Newsletter #7

Winter 2024


Year 2 in Review

What a year! The BBTWINS team is thrilled to share our annual 'year in review' video summarising all the breakthroughs of Year 2 of the project. Highlights include multiple in-person collaborations across Spain among partners, developing more advanced methods of traceability, successful testing of waste stream technologies, and the uploading of vast amounts of bio-based information to create the data lake.  
If you haven't seen it yet, check it out by clicking the link below. 
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CluBE takes the Agrotica Expo by Storm

The first week of February the team at our partner CluBE manned a booth at the Agrotica Expo in Thessaloniki, Greece. One of the largest agro-economic sectoral exhibitions on the continent, it operates at the intersection between agricultural industry and the rural economy. Partners reported back that it was a great experience and opportunity to talk about projects like BBTWINS. Follow the link below to keep up with CluBE as they create synergies across the bioeconomy. 
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Advisory Board Interview

Meet Luis of the External Advisory Board

Think you know Dr. Luis Pinto Ferreira? Think again! See the professor of engineering at the Polytechnic Institute of Porto like you've never seen him before, bringing to light his outlook on the future of bio-based materials.    

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LCA Milestone Reached

At the end of the 27th month of the BBTWINS journey, our partner ANGAZ updates us about the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA): 
  • For peach cultivation, the LCA results have identified major environmental impacts stemming from the consumption of inputs such as fertilizers, water, and diesel. To mitigate these impacts, the project recommends improving fertilization practices, enhancing water use efficiency, and switching to low-emission fuels for agricultural machinery. 
  • Pork production, on the other hand, faces environmental challenges related to animal feed production, electricity consumption, land use for feed crop cultivation, and methane emissions from waste. Mitigation strategies include the substitution of high-impact feed ingredients with more sustainable alternatives,  energy production from waste-generated methane, and effective waste management practices. 
Increased demand for peaches and pork along with rising prices and potential export opportunities are possible benefits for farmers in this case. Valuable insight from our partners dedicated to a holistic approach.   
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BIC Matchmaking Event 2024

Happy (early) Valentine's Day! Our coordinator Daniel de la Puente from CTIC-CITA represented BBTWINS at the Bio-based Industries Consortium Matchmaking Event. The event is led by CBE JU, and serves as a networking platform to connect key stakeholders and industry leaders across the agri-food sector. 
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Event Calendar



Alimentaria Barcelona

12 March 2024 | Barcelona


Big Meet

9-11 April 2024 | Stockholm


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Agri-food Value Chain Digitalisation for Resource Efficiency
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