Case Study Visit
Peach Value Chain
Agri-food Value Chain Digitalisation for Resource Efficiency
Agri-food Value Chain Digitalisation for Resource Efficiency
Bio-Based Digital Twins (BBTWINS) is developing a digital platform for the optimisation of agri-food value chain processes and the supply of quality biomass for bioprocessing.
The platform is based on ‘digital twins’ technology – creating a real-time digital replica of physical processes in the agri-food industry.
BBTWINS also combines blockchain, artificial intelligence (machine learning and deep learning), big data, software analytics, computer simulation of agri-food processes, and the Internet of Things (IoT), in this single platform.
2 value chains

Peach production

Pork production
Digital journeys
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Latest videos
Digitalising pork value chain
This video presents how BBTWINS has been optimising the availability, quality, resource efficiency, and economic performance of PORTESA’s feedstock production, improving batch traceability both internally and for end consumers, the logistics of their internal production chain, the valorisation of waste streams, and the modelling of physical and chemical food processes affecting quality and efficiency.
Digital twin transitions in agri-food
This webinar presents concrete examples of the benefits of implementing a digital twin tool to enhance decision-making in agri-food value chains and presents the role of blockchain technology in ensuring traceability and transparency in these systems. Listen to experts share their insights on advanced AI-supported models, blockchain, and complex data management systems and their application within the agri-food sector.
Media coverage
A Zona Franca Vigo acolleu a convención da plataforma agroalimentaria de xemelgo dixital BBTwins
View articleCtic Cita cerró 2022 con un crecimiento del 16% en su facturación y se sitúa entre los diez centros tecnológicos de España que más fondos europeos captan
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Digital journey
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Read all about the latest projects news, events and publications.
Learn more about the aims of BBTWINS and the approach the project will take over the next four years.
Check out our collection of videos with interviews, animations and events all available online.
Visual identity kit
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