Newsletter #2 | Spring 2022

Work continues at BBTWINS

Newsletter #2
Spring 2022

Work continues at BBTWINS

There is a busy summer ahead for the project as we prepare for our first in-person meeting in Helsinki in May. Not only will this allow us to build closer working relationships, but also to make vital preparations for our future work as we take strides towards making the agri-food industry more resource efficient.


Digital & scientific innovation

Get a quick taster of the work we plan to do to make agri-food value chains more efficient.

This short animation brings together both the digital and lab-based work that will be done over the next 3 years, in addition to increasing circularity through the reuse of recovered resources.
Watch now


Project leaflet

Our first project leaflet has been released. Watch out for BBTWINS at agri-food events near you, or check out our website to get all the information you need about the project.

> Print version
> Online ABOUT section

Stay tuned for more updates - including more interactive sections of the website, allowing you to better understand the key concepts behind the work being done in the project.
Read the leaflet


EU project collaboration

BBTWINS has been collaborating with model2bio to help promote the work being done to make the agri-food industry more sustainable. Stay tuned for more videos, interviews, and news from both projects. 

Learn more about model2bio in the video below.


Digital ham

Project coordinators CTIC-CITA have been working with project partner PANOimagen to 'digitalise' ham. 

Eventually, they will be modeling water activity, salt transfer, and proteolysis. This particular image was captured using an iPad LiDAR scanner from PANOimagen.

> Learn more about who's working on the project


Alimentaria 2022

BBTWINS was present at Alimentaria - the International Food, Drinks and Food Service Trade Show in Barcelona.

Alimentaria is the landmark international event in the food, drinks, and food service industry - representing an important event for BBTWINS to be present at and to participate in discussions on sustainable food. 

> Learn more



The project will also be present at Food4Future, this year being held in Bilbao.

Food4Future is where you can learn more about the latest and most promising food technology applications, robotics and automation, data technology, and processing techniques - making it an important event for the project.

> Learn more
Agri-food Value Chain Digitalisation for Resource Efficiency
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